There are some unique and odd gear that you can get your hands on in Baldur's Gate 3. Items that give you some incredibly useful abilities and others that just make your time in the game just a little stranger. Whenever one of them offers you some powerful ability, you can be sure that there is something else it does to help balance that power out.

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When you find the Abyss Beckoners, you are going to discover one of these decisions that make you decide if their power is going to be worth it for you and your character. They offer a strange dilemma when it comes to their capabilities, and while they can certainly change the tide of a battle, you will want to decide if it's worth the risk of getting out of control.

Best Way To Use Abyss Beckoners

BG3 - Party On Cliff

You see, the Abyss Beckoners is a Very Rare kind of Gloves that you can find in the Zhentarim Hideout in a locked room along the side. Picking them up, you can read what exactly it is that they do, and it boils down to this:

The Abyss Beckoners cause the wearer's summon to become resistant to all effects except for Psychic damage. However, at the beginning of every turn, the Summon will have to pass a Wisdom Saving Throw. If it fails, it will be driven Mad and attack the nearest target. And this can happen even outside of combat.

This means that it's not just enemies that it will attack when Mad; it will attack allies, innocents, and more. It can go on a rampage and do a lot of unintended damage. You can just be walking through town, not even fighting anyone, and suddenly your summon is slaughtering everyone in sight.

So this means you have to figure out a way to make them worthwhile.

The trick with the Abyss Beckoners is that you can deactivate the Wisdom Saving Throws by removing the Gloves whenever you are not in combat, so you won't have to worry about the Summon going Mad at a moment's notice. Once you go into combat and put the Gloves on, the trick is to put your Summon in the middle of enemies and have your allies get far away. You will most likely have time to get this done, and once it is set, if the Summon does go Mad, they are going to go after the enemies nearest them instead of anyone you want to keep alive.

Once the combat is over, take the gloves off again. Of course, the constant taking them off and on can be a bit of a nuisance, but it's worth it for anyone who wants to beef up their Summons.

Unthinking Summons Can't Be Driven Mad

There is also the possibility that you can use a Summon that cannot be driven Mad, like a Spiritual Weapon or Flaming Sphere, which are both Unthinking Summons. With these kinds of Summons, you won't have to worry about them going Mad at all and keep the gloves on at all times.

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