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Early into Hogwarts Legacy, it is revealed that the protagonist has an affinity for sensing and using Ancient Magic. There is a lot of mystery surrounding it that is explored through the main game. It also offers the player unique abilities to use in combat, some even immediately finishing off their opponent.

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Ancient Magic is further unlocked through the main campaign, giving players powerful Ancient Magic spells that they can use whenever intimating enough essence. Utilizing Ancient Magic in your combos is critical to becoming the most effective With or Wizard, and here's how to use it.

What Is the Player's Ancient Magic


Ancient Magic is currently lost to the Wizarding world during the events of Hogwarts Legacy. The player is shown to be one of the few people who can see its effects, usually as a blue aura around enchanted items, and through the blue spells, they can cast using it. The true extent of the secrets of Ancient Magic is unlocked through the main story's events.

Ancient Magic is unlocked through the main story, through the Welcome To Hogsmeade mission. After visiting each shop, you'll see armored trolls break through the buildings and attack the town. After this battle starts, you'll unlock Ancient Magic spells and can use them moving forward. Ancient Magic allows you to pick up thrown items in the field at your enemy while unlocking a powerful spell to instantly finish an enemy with one spell.

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How To Use Ancient Magic

Player In Combat With A Spider

Ancient Magic comes in two different spells, with the Throw Spell and the more powerful Ancient Magic spell. Both of these spells have various forms, depending on what the player is throwing, and a few different Ancient Magic spells that are used randomly on an enemy, but all to the same effect. The Throw is simple to use, as the player is prompted with an icon over a loose item during combat. After pressing the designated button, the player will pick up and throw the object at their currently selected enemy, dealing decent damage and briefly stunning the target.

The much more powerful Ancient Magic spell requires essence to use. Above your health bar are smaller blue bars, which fill up as you collect essence. Casting a powerful Ancient Magic spell requires a full bar or essence and will give you a prompt above a targeted enemy's head when you are ready to cast the spell. Often this spell will finish off your enemy, if not dealing tons of damage and breaking their shield. Essence is created by completing combos on enemies. After hitting the enemy with a combo finishing attack, a blue orb will fall on the ground near where the enemy is and need to be approached to collect.

Next: Hogwarts Legacy: How To Link Your Harry Potter Fan Club Account