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In Hogwarts Legacy, there are many enemies you are going to come up against whether that be in Dueling Club, Goblin Loyalists, Dark Wizards, and even some nasty beasts. You are going to want whatever advantage you can get and that is why learning Confringo is going to really help you out.

Related: How To Unlock Glacius In Hogwarts Legacy

Confringo, unlike its other fiery counterpart Incendio, is a long-range spell and does good damage to your enemies. It can be upgraded with its mastery to make it even more lethal. Confringo is not the hardest spell to unlock, but you need to be a certain way into the game to do so. This guide will outline the unlocking process below.

Unlocking The Quest

In game image showing Sebastian In the Undercroft

In order to get a hold of the quest with Sebastian to unlock Confringo there are a few quests you need to get through. Firstly in the main quest line, you need to complete Jackdaw's Rest and find the missing pages of the book.

Then you will unlock the Map Chamber, you also then need to complete your first flying lesson with Madam Kogawa. This then unlocks the Room Of Requirement quest with Professor Weasley and the Learn Confringo quest with Sebastian.

Shadow Of The Undercroft

Split Image showing Map and Floo travel on the left and The Undercroft Entrance On The Right

Now you have unlocked this quest you need to find the Undercroft which is a hidden room in the castle. This is located just at the bottom of the stairs from the Defence Against The Dark Arts Room. So travel by Floo to Defence Against The Dark Arts and head down the stairs once at the bottom turn right and head as it goes under the stairs. You will come to a cabinet with clocks on, this is the entrance to the Undercroft.

Once inside you can loot up a few chests, so cast Revelio and grab what is there for you then head on over to Sebastian. There are no other tasks you need to do for this quest other than finding the Undercroft. So once you speak with Sebastian go through the dialogue, and he will then teach you Confringo. Trace the spell line as normal hitting all the prompts and the spell is yours, you will then need to light all the chandeliers around the room with your new spell.

Once you have done this then you are free to head out of the Undercroft where you will have some brief dialogue with Ominus Gaunt, which sets up some dialogue for later missions in the Sebastian Sallow story.

Next: Hogwarts Legacy: Best Upgrades & Talents To Improve Confringo