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While exploring Henrietta's Hideaway, either for fun or when trying to find Rococo to Niffler, players will stumble across a treasure map with multiple bells on it. Like most treasure maps in Hogwarts Legacy, there will be two parts to the treasure hunt, but players will only need to go to one location.

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Hogwarts Legacy is no stranger to creating puzzles for players to solve using different spells. Some spells even highlight players' creativity, allowing them to solve a puzzle by using various spells depending on what they have unlocked or how they want to solve the puzzle. While this quest is creative, players won't need any unique spell, just their basic attack cast.

Finding The Treasure Map

Solved By The Bell Treasure Map

This treasure map is located in Henrietta's Hideaway. There will be many enemies to fight along the outer ruins before taking the stairs off to the right side of the pathway up to the entry. After entering the Hideaway, you must match the correct box with the right pressure plate, matching the logo on each. For the first two boxes, cast Incendio to ignite the boxes and open the first door.

After fighting through more enemies, head to the upper balcony to the floor that pulls you into the wall. Casting Arresto Momentum will stop the floor and allow players to pass. While there will be another box pressure plate puzzle in the next room, ignore it and head along the right side of the wall under the balcony. There will be a brick wall with a different design than the rest of the room, which will open as you approach. In this secret room will be the treasure map, with the quest beginning after you pick it up.

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Finding The Treasure

Clagmar Castle On Map Location

After obtaining the treasure map, make your way over to Clagmar Castle in the furthest southern area of the map. This castle will be covered with enemies and a named wizard who will be very dangerous to fight for those unprepared. After defeating all the enemies in the area, head to the back corner of the castle until your character notes the bells on the wall look like the ones on the treasure map.

Player Standing Before The Bells

From the ledge, looking over to the bells, you will need to aim your basic attack casts and hit the bells to make the notes listed on the map play. It is possible for those wishing to explore and do it themselves using the clues on the map, but for those looking for quick treasure, here's the order. Start from the bottom bell, and count each bell going up from 1-9, and hit each bell in the order: 2,5,7,6,5,9,8,6. This will cause the bells to play their notes again in harmony and a chest with the treasure appearing next to the player on the platform.

Next: Hogwarts Legacy: How To Get Bombarda