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Final Fantasy 16 puts a lot of focus into the world of Valesthia, making it feel alive by focusing on even the smallest details. While the many wars and political intrigue help make the world feel ever-changing, there are many small things players can see and experience that help further immerse themselves in the world.

Related: Final Fantasy 16: Tips & Tricks For Beginners

Around the hideout, Clive is seen as a hero and is talked about as such. While Clive has already done so much for the bearers and allies of the hideout, he can go a step further and buy the hall a drink, but why should players do this?

Updated On July 29th, 2023 By Joshua Leeds: The world of Final Fantasy 16 can be daunting for players to jump into. This article has been updated with additional links to help those looking to understand more about the world's lore.

Why You Should Buy The Hall A Round

Clive About To Buy A Round For The Hall

Within the hideout will be the bar Tub and Crown. Here, players can interact with Maeve and buy themselves or the hall a drink. Buying yourself a drink is 500 Gil while buying the whole hall a drink is 10,000 Gil. Spending 10,000 Gil is no small price, so many players would expect there to be some return for your purchase.

For the most part, a small cutscene will trigger as Maeve tells a cheering crowd that the next round is on Cid. Gameplay-wise, this is the only effect of your generosity. For those looking to platinum the game, buying a round for the hall can quickly get players to the Eureka trophy, which requires players to spend 36,000 Gil at the Tub and Crown. This is most easily achieved by buying the hall a round four times. For those looking to cheap out on their fellow bearers, you can create a save file, spend your Gil, and load back to before you made your purchases and earned the trophy.

Related: Final Fantasy 16: Complete Skill Tree Guide

Making Gil Fast

Final Fantasy 16 Bounty Hunt

Spending 10,000 Gil is no simple feat, and players may need to go and earn enough before trying to complete the trophy. The easiest way to earn Gil at this point is by completing hunts to earn large sums of money. Players can also sell treasures or explore to try and find Gil, but hunts will always be your best bet.

Next: Final Fantasy 16: How To Parry Successfully