Diablo 4 has been both a runaway success and a highly criticized property ever since its initial release back at the beginning of June, but now a lot of players seems to be fed up with the high price of one particular game mechanic, and some say it's even causeing them to walk away from the game entirely—at the bvery least, until Season 1 is over.

The particular issue that's getting so many players riled up is the high cost the comes with rerolling stats on pieces of gear—specifically, those that players acquire at partuclarly high levels. As the subject of a string of posts on an increasingly popular Reddit thread, the creator of the thread acknowledges that the developers probably needed something for high-level players to keep spending their gold on, though they conclude that the price point is still much too high. "We pretty much have no more then 5 chances to get the stat we want (specially in end game high item power itens [sic]), cause after that the price is straight up ridiculous," wrote Reddit user Giulucci. "And making money is pretty grindy not to say finding the gear piece with 3 right stats we aim for (specially for amulets/rings)."

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For those who haven't encountered that partuclar mechanic yet, Diablo 4 allows you to visit an occultist to reroll the stats on any piece of equipment picked up in the game. This has been viewed favoriably among the player base, as many times, a player will get lucky and pick up a high-level piece of equipment that's, unfortunately, just not well-suited for their character class or build. While the stat reroll mechanic allieveates that problem somewhat, it also isn't a guaranteed fix, as the reroll action will draw from a pool of stats and present three at random to be augmented by that piece of equipment, and there's still no guarantee that you'll get the stat you're looking for.

"50M+ gold for a sliver of chance of getting the STAT you want, and im not even talking about rolling high on it," commented Reddit user Devertized. "Then when it fails you'd just wanna quit the game entirely. Or at least thats what I'd think, I havent put myself into a position to find out. I stop at around 4-5M. Its just not worth it."

But the frustration is enough to drive some players away from Diablo 4, it seems. According to Heretic-Jefge on the thread, "Honestly, I'm at the point where I'm actively advocating people take a break until a later season ... the game looks great and has great 'bones' I believe but the innumerable amount of micro issues add up to be more than I care to deal with."

It does seem like there could be potential fixes that could draw players back however, based on the comments. Chief among these are lowering the price of the rerolls, obviously, and reducing the variety of stats (or affixes) that can be added to a piece of equipment, which would cut back on the randomization of the avaiolable stats and make it more likely that a players can actually get a piece of equipment that they can use with their build.

NEXT: Diablo 4 Devs Tell Us Why Season 1 Works The Way It Does, And They May Have A Point