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Baldur's Gate 3 is a massive game, and with it, Larian Studios has created a masterpiece that calls back to other classics from the studio. There are references to past Baldur's Gate games, Divinity 2, and even to things completely outside the studio.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: All Elemental Surface TypesIf you're wondering what secrets and easter eggs await you in the Forgotten Realms, look no further. Here are the best easter eggs that you can find in the game.

10 Mizora Painting

Baldur's Gate 3 - Easter Eggs Mizora

While roaming Moonhaven and looking at the many different portraits that lay around the area, you may find one that looks very familiar. The title of the painting is just titled “Noblewoman Smiling.” The same picture can also be found in Waukeen’s Rest.

So, who is this noblewoman smiling in the painting? It seems to be none other than Mizora, the devil that has captured Wyll and is holding him against their contract. Do these paintings mean anything, or are they just nice easter eggs? Only time will tell.

9 Jaheira

Baldur's Gate 3 - Easter Eggs Jaheira

Jaheira is one of the companions that you can find and recruit during your adventures in the game. She is a Half Elf Druid that is found in the Shadow Cursed Lands during Act 2. You cannot recruit her until you finish Act 2, however.

For those who recognize the name, Jaheira is a returning character to the Baldur’s Gate series. She is in fact the same Jaheira that you will come in contact with and can even recruit to join you party in both games. It is great to see a familiar face for returning players.

8 Minsc

Baldur's Gate 3 Minsc

Minsc is another name that returning players know all too well. He is one of the many companions that you can find and recruit along your journey. However, not much is known about recruiting him other than that he is in Act 3 and Jaheira recruits you to help find him.

One reason he is so well known is that he is a companion in previous titles. He quickly became a fan favorite because of his hamster that he refers to as a Miniature Giant Space Hamster. His appearance is another warm welcome for returning players.

7 Volo

Baldur's Gate 3 - Easter Eggs Volo

Volo is yet again, another returning character. If you speak to Jaheira and tell her you know Volo, she will respond that she loathes him. During your adventures in Baldur’s Gate 2, Volo loves to write stories and songs about your companions.

It seems that in modern day, Volo still loves to write songs. You can first find him in Druid’s Grove and then save him from the Goblin’s Camp. Once this happens, he will stay in your camp for most of the game. His antics certainly are another welcomed addition.

6 Doom Hammer

Baldur's Gate 3 - Easter Eggs Doom Hammer

One easter egg that may or may not be a true easter egg is the Doom Hammer. This hammer can be found in the game and used as a two-handed weapon. While it isn’t anything special, it does resemble a well-known hammer from a different game.

In World of Warcraft (and here recently in Diablo 4), players are able to find a legendary weapon known as the Doomhammer. That weapon shares some similarities with the Doom Hammer found in Baldur’s Gate 3. Whether it is an easter egg or a coincidence, it is pretty cool all the same.

5 Divinity 2 Original Sin Character Portraits

Divinity Original sin 2 cover art

As many players known, Baldur’s Gate 3 was designed by Larian Studios, the same company that created the Divinity series. Throughout the game, you can find multiple portraits of important characters from the second game, Divinity 2 Original Sin.

RELATED: If you want to find one of these pictures, they are scattered all over the game. One of the first you can find is in the ruins that you first meet Withers in. This is where you can find the picture of Fane, located within the kitchen area.

4 Music From Other Games

Baldur's Gate 3-1
Larian Studios

If you are playing the game and notice something sounding familiar, chances are you have played past Baldur’s Gate games, or you have played some of Larian Studios' other games such as Divinity 2 Original Sin. If you have, you probably noticed some of the music.

Throughout the game, you will hear past music. Whether it's a tune that a Bard is strumming or the light music playing in the background of a conversation, you will hear echoes of past games all around you. This is a great reference for past players.

3 Loch Ness Monster

Baldur's Gate 3 - Easter Eggs Nessie

This is another one that is extremely difficult, hard to find, and is pretty neat if you can find it. Down in the Underdark near the beach area that contains the ships, you can find what appears to be the Loch Ness Monster in the distance.

Off in the distance, you can see the outline of what looks like Nessie herself. Interestingly, it looks identical to the most famous picture of Nessie, making it seem this was a nice nod to the legendary beast. With a game full of mythical beasts, it makes sense Nessie could be alive.

2 Edgar Allan Poe Raven

Baldur's Gate 3 - Easter Eggs Raven

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most well-known American writers to date. Being the king of all things dark and mysterious, it is no wonder that so many video games love to take references from him and his amazing works of literature.

If you play as a character that has a familiar, and you pick the raven, you will see an interesting name. The raven’s name will be Quoth. At first, this may seem like an odd choice; however, Poe’s The Raven says “Quoth the raven, nevermore.” The raven’s name is a nice nod to the great writer.

1 Shakespeare Quotes

Baldur's Gate 3 Wizard Gale Headshot

Everyone's favorite Wizard, Gale, has another nod to a famous writer. Sometimes you can hear him say "What fools these mortals be" while you are switching to him in battle or while you are trying to look at his inventory.

If this quote sounds familiar, it is because it is from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. This quote is said by the infamous Puck, a mischievous fairy who is watching mortal fight among themselves in the woods.

NEXT: Baldur's Gate 3 Review-In-Progress: A Truly Special RPG