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Badlur’s Gate 3 is an Isometric RPG and one of the many video game adaptations of the wildly popular tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons. You will make your way through many incredible locations with all manner of objectives to complete.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Cleric Build

Some of these objects will be straightforward and tell you your next course of action, while others will be more open-ended and explain the situation to you without giving you any form of direct answers. Not all quests need to be about combat and a lot of them will simply involve exploration and solving puzzles in certain rooms.

Updated by Chad Thesen on August 17, 2023: This guide has been updated to feature new embedded links that can allow easier navigation for readers. These embedded links include one for a guide about how to complete Sarin's Skeleton puzzle, and the other being a link for how to build a Cleric. Clerics primary Ability is Wisdom, and a Perception Check will be key for finding the switch for this door.

Finding The Door

Baldur's Gate 3 Refectory Locked Door

You will encounter this door during one of the game's quests under the Nautiloid Crash Region category in your journal. The quest in question is "Explore the Ruins". While navigating the Refectory part of these ruins, you will be able to interact and open many of the doors. However, one particularly sturdy door will update your objectives for the quest and inform you that it is locked without any form of keyhole to open it. Once you encounter this door, change your party leader to whoever has the highest Perception check. This character will be the hero of the day in revealing the presence of the switch you will need to open the door. Try a class that has a naturally high Wisdom Ability, such a Cleric.

Finding The Switch

Baldur's Gate 3 Refectory Switch Location

There will be a room directly left of this door. Head through the archway and towards the statue at the far end of this room. Head behind the statue and walk towards the wall. This wall will have no visible switch on it. However, a successful Perception check will reveal the presence of a switch on this wall. Interact with this switch to open the locked door.

Beyond the Locked Door

Baldur's Gate 3 Refectory Dank Crypt

Head back to the locked door and it will now be wide open. Going into the room will take you straight to another door, but this one will have no lock of any kind. Passing through it will take you to the Dank Crypt location and update your journal for the quest.

NEXT: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Fighter Build