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Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game filled with collectibles around every corner, under every stone pile, and inside every chest. Finding these collectibles not only gives players something to do but also ties into the story of the game at unexpected turns.

Related: Baldur's Gate 3: All Charisma Scaling Classes, Ranked

Among these collectibles are Soul Coins, curious you encounter early on in Act 1 if you pass the necessary checks to obtain them. Soul Coins cannot be crafted and can only be found by exploring the map.

All Soul Coin Locations In BG3

All soul coin locations marked on the map in baldur's gate 3

No one hiding spot holds more than one Soul Coin. Here are the spots we’ve found so far holding this item for you to find.

Soul Coin # 1

nadira location with the first soul coin in baldur's gate 3

Directly south of the Emerald Grove fast travel point, you’ll find a small hill with a road that curves upward, ending with Tiefling standing in front of a telescope. Approach the Tiefling, and you’ll see a bugbear trying to assassinate her from behind. This will trigger a combat encounter with the bugbear. Take him out and save the Tiefling.

After you succeed, talk to Nadira (the Tiefling), and you’ll discover she has a soul coin in her possession. You’ll be able to roll a dialogue check to convince her to hand over a Soul Coin to you. You can also pickpocket or kill her to obtain the coin.

Soul Coin # 2

second soul coin location in dank crypt in baldur's gate 3

You’ll find this coin in the room with the trapped sarcophagus and all the traps. Directly to the right of the sarcophagus, you’ll find two smaller ones. The soul coin is inside the one highlighted in the picture.

Soul Coin # 3

third soul coin location in baldur's gate 3

At the far end of the Dank Crypt, you’ll find Withers (Respec NPC) in a chamber unlocked by pressing a hidden button on the side of a wall. You’ll need to pass a perception check to find this button. Pressing it will revive a bunch of skeletons around the players who they need to defeat. Once they’re dealt with, go inside the room and interact with the sarcophagus inside. Withers will emerge from the tomb and talk to the player. When Withers disappears, loot his sarcophagus to find a soul coin inside.

Soul Coin # 4

fourth soul coin location in dank crypt in baldur's gate 3

To the west of Wither’s sarcophagus and the large room with the statue, you’ll find a door leading to a room with four tombs. Only one of the tombs can be looted, and this one has another Soul Coin inside.

Next: Baldur's Gate 3: How To Prepare Spells