Downloadable content has been a fairly controversial subject in the world of gaming. On the one hand, gamers feel as if they are being gouged for more money by games charging extra for content that should have been included originally.

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On the other hand, some incredibly long games are given an extra that expands upon an already jam-packed experience. Regardless of the opinion, there's no denying that Assassin's Creed has some of the most wildly diverse and immersive DLC options on the market. And with over a decade worth of games, there's more than enough to make a list of some of the best.

10 Jack The Ripper

jack the ripper about to attack in assassin's creed

Assassin's Creed is no stranger to using historical figures, but Jack the Ripper is a bit of a gray area as nobody knows his true identity. Assassin's Creed Syndicate added to the killers already expansive mythology by concocting a story that he was an assassin apprentice turned insane.

The story takes place some years after Syndicate's main story, so the main characters are a little bit older. Still, it was nice to revisit their lives as they attempt to put down this deadly and maniacal assassin.

9 The Lost Archive

the lost archive from AC Revelations

Assassin's Creed Revelation is a game that often falls under the radar of the AC fandom. It's considered the capstone to the Ezio trilogy. But the fans were eager to move on with the franchise, and so the game gets ignored compared to its bigger counterparts.

One of the game's most unique moments is a first-person platforming section that has the player explore the Animus archives. A story-related DLC from the game has players return to this quirk of AC gameplay to learn more about its characters.

8 Bonfire Of The Vanities

Ezio about to strike in bonfire of the vanities

Even after Assassin's Creed II was released, it was still unclear just how much of a role downloadable content would play in Assassin's Creed future. Bonfire Of The Vanities showed that Assassin's Creed's DLC would completely change the environments that the player could roam in.

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Also, it was special for revolving the game's story around a significant event. This is a trend that would continue in future Assassin's Creed games as the DLCs were a chance to explore historical events without getting involved in the game's greater storyline.

7 Crossover Stories

Assassin's Ceeed Valhalla: crossover stories

It seems strange that after being a hugely popular franchise with so many installments, Assassin's Creed had failed to put out a proper crossover story. That changed when Assassin's Creed Valhalla had a relatively small DLC that featured the main character from Assassin's Creed Odyssey. It was a relatively small DLC story that didn't expand the game's open world that much. But it was still a fun moment in Assassin's Creed history that fans could get behind. It also opened the door for more Assassin's Creed crossovers in the future

6 The Hidden Ones

the hidden ones in the sinai peninsula

Assassin's Creed Origins had many promises. One of which was revealing how the Assassin Brotherhood came to be. Of course, they wouldn't adopt the name Assassins until the Crusades. So they had to be something else. The main game never delivered on this promise.

But The Hidden Ones DLC absolutely did. It wasn't a blockbuster DLC in terms of story or even gameplay, but it was still good enough in the pantheon of Assassin's Creed missions. Plus, it also revealed the origins of the famous Brotherhood symbol.

5 The Tyranny Of King Washington

king washington addresses the crowd

There was a lot of speculation as to what the DLC for Assassin's Creed 3 would be. In the end, it was actually three separate DLCs that were all parts of a larger storyline. Many fans believe it was out of canon, though.

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It's true that the events of the DLC don't take part in our reality, but they really did happen. They just happened in a shared vision between Connor and George Washington. Plus, it was a rare opportunity for the game to dive into supernatural powers.

4 The Curse Of The Pharaohs

Bayak fights in curse of the pharaohs

Assassin's Creed Origins was a little looser with its supernatural elements. But its DLC blew the doors wide open. It offered a chance for players to pass from the world of the living to the world of the dead.

Assassin's Creed had various science fiction elements that created a break in reality in previous games, but nothing quite like this. This DLC would set a trend that would continue across Assassin's Creed DLCs for the foreseeable future, solidifying the game as a fantasy powerhouse as well as historical sci-fi.

3 The Fate Of Atlantis

fate of atlantis from assassin's creed odyssey

It would be a shame if Assassin's Creed Odyssey didn't deal with any mythological elements. After all, Greek mythology is some of the strongest of the ancient world. The game had a very peculiar way of going about this, creating a virtual simulation for the player to explore.

Rather than just visit one world though, this DLC had players travel all across Greek mythology from Atlantis, to Elysium, and even Hades. And of course, the fabled Greek gods had to make an appearance to round out the experience.

2 Freedom Cry


For a game series that focuses on real-life history, it was inevitable for the game to dive into territory that is both shameful and important. Assassin's Creed IV met this head-on with its DLC Freedom Cry. It's a completely standalone expansion that has nothing to do with the main game.

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In fact, it ditched Edward Kenway in favor of his first mate. Adewale sailed from plantation to plantation as he took on slavers in the New World. The result is one of the most profound experiences in the entire franchise.

1 Dawn Of Ragnarok

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok Female Eivor Shooting Enemies With A Bow

Assassin's Creed Valhalla had a peculiar way of connecting its real-life Vikings to Norse mythology. For the most part, Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey tried to separate these two worlds. Valhalla did not. It even had its main character experience visions that took the player to a mythological realm.

Its climactic DLC returned to that place as players had to face off against Ragnarok, the supposed end of the gods in Norse mythology. It was an epic storyline filled with amazing combat and powerful moments.

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