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Final Fantasy 16 immediately throws players into the action, finding Clive in the center of a massive battle, with his mission to hunt down an Eikon. After the brief intro, a flashback sequence is used to set up the game's main plot.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: Tips & Tricks For Combat

Final Fantasy 16 takes place in a large world and has a unique twist on the series' more recent real-time combat. With the game being so extensive, it's easy for players to feel a bit lost, and this article is here to help.

Updated by Joshua Leeds on July 4, 2023: Final Fantasy 16 is a large game, even with its more linear world style. With so much to see and do, it's easy to miss some of the many things players can do while exploring Valesthia and seeing Clive's story. For those looking to fight some of the most challenging enemies, it's essential to make Clive as powerful as possible.

20 Dying To Progress

FFXVI - Garuda Holding Clive In Hand

Final Fantasy 16 is a linear game focused on telling players the story, ensuring that even someone new to video games can jump in and experience what it offers. During boss battles, should a player die, they will not only respawn at a checkpoint in the battle but will also have their inventory restocked.

While you can't restock Elixirs, players can use an intentional death to restock their lost potions back to full halfway through a difficult fight. Should you not see a boss fight coming and already be out of potions, a quick death will have you full and ready for what's ahead. As there is no real penalty for dying other than restarting at a checkpoint, this is a worthwhile strategy in many of the longer fights.

19 Upgrade Your Potions

The Final Fantasy 16 character increased their inventory for Clive and received the notification.

A bit later into the game, Clive will be able to upgrade the effectiveness and inventory space of his potions. These upgrades will greatly help while exploring or making sure you're well-stocked for an upcoming battle.

Related: Final Fantasy 16: Best Eikon Abilities, Ranked

Many accessories can be equipped to make your potions more effective on top of the usual upgrades, allowing a basic potion to restore close to half of your health after being fully upgraded.

18 Practice Your Combos

FF16 - Clive Interacting with Arete Stone

The Arete Stone is a useful tool for those looking to figure out their best combos. As the game progresses, you'll have many different Eikon abilities, and the best combo will require quite a bit of testing to find.

Enemies in the stone can be altered to act however you want, allowing you to utilize little goblin punching bags to practice new combos. Along with free respecs, get lost in the Arete stone for hours while you create your perfect build.

17 Heal The Right Way

Clive and Torgal Final Fantasy 16

Whenever Clive takes damage, he'll lose health from his health bar, with the gray in your health bar will represent a small amount of received damage. While this health is currently lost, it can be gotten back by using Torgal.

Using Torgal's healing can recover that gray health bar for free, as often as needed. Should you heal back to full using a potion, that gray health bar will disappear. Whenever you have gray in your health bar, utilize Torgal's free healing before using your precious potions.

16 Use Party Members When You Can

Final Fantasy 16 Clive, Jill and Torgal stand with their back to the camera looking at Fallen ruins

While Torgal will be at your side for almost the entire game, the other party members will come and go as the story progresses. Certain missions will have a character join your party before they leave for many later missions, completing their own tasks in the world.

Related: Final Fantasy 16: Things To Do After Completing The Main Campaign

Whenever you do have an additional party member, take this opportunity to complete side quests and hunts using their extra firepower. Some of the later hunts in the game are tough bosses and may be more than just Clive and Torgal can handle.

15 Listen Around

Clive Walking Through Cid's Hideout

Final Fantasy 16's world can be complex, with many different realms waging war on different lands and mothercrystals. For much of the game, it can feel like names and places are just being thrown around, but there are many ways to stay on top of what's happening in the world.

While exploring cities or walking through the hideout, random people will be talking with one another about current events. While this may just seem like background noise, players can listen in to be kept up to date with what's happening across Valesthia.

14 Spend Your Gil Wisely

Charon Standing At Her Shop

Like any RPG, it's important to save your money instead of spending it on things you only think you need. Between potions, gear, and materials, there will be a lot to spend your money on, so it's important to know how to best spend your hard-earned Gil.

Even with minimal exploration, you'll come across useful crafting materials that can be taken to the blacksmith. This will allow you to craft new gear instead of spending our Gil. Potions will constantly be used in battle, making them a worthwhile purchase before dangerous hunts or big missions.

13 Gain More Renown

Clive Standing Before Patron's Whisper

Renown is unlocked later in the game and is mostly earned by completing side quests and hunts, along with a few main missions also giving you some.

Related: Final Fantasy 16: Is Drake's Head A Point Of No Return

Renown will give players valuable rewards for the more earned and will not make you spend your renown to do so. Simply aim to earn as much Renown as possible, and your rewards will become increasingly useful without having to choose between the many rewards.

12 Check-In With The Blacksmith

Final Fantasy 16 Blacksmith

Whenever you return to the hideout after a main mission, it's best to always check in with the blacksmith. You'll often find crafting materials without even noticing and may have much better gear able to be crafted.

After a major boss, you'll be rewarded with a unique crafting material of the same element the boss fought with, allowing Clive to make some of the more unique swords in the game. It's also important to reinforce your gear as often as possible, ensuring you're ready for any battle.

11 Complete Side Quests & Hunts

Final Fantasy 16 Bounty Hunt

Side quests are unlocked early into the game, and while they may start out simple, they will quickly grow in importance. Side quests are great sources for extra XP, AP, and even unique upgrades such as carrying more potions.

Hunts are unlocked a bit later and are a great source of strong enemies that give off more XP, along with large Gil bounties for defeating them. Completing the highest-difficulty bounties as early as you unlock them can get you multiple levels ahead of where Clive should be at that point in the game.

10 Prioritize Frame Rate Over Graphics

Clive Using His Fireball In Combat

Final Fantasy 16 is a large and complex game with lots happening on screen at any given time, especially during combat. While slower sections can give you a second to take in the scenery, Clive's fast-paced combat leaves no room for a poor frame rate.

Boss battles, and especially Eikon battles, can be hectic yet beautiful to watch, but it also may be worth focusing on your frame rate instead of possibly losing a fight because of the pretty lights. Luckily this can be changed easily in your settings.

9 Explore Everywhere

Clive Standing On A Hill

Every RPG fan will know that no matter how linear a game is, it's always worth your time to slow down and explore a bit. While Final Fantasy 16 doesn't offer a fully open world to explore like its predecessor, there are still many areas that offer some exploration, which can be hiding side quests or more items to use in battle.

Even in the game's more condensed areas, items can be found just on the other side of a destroyed wall. Other enemies found within the world offer opportunities to try and level up a bit more before facing the next Eikon.

8 Adjust The Difficulty With Accessories

Clive Evading An Attack From A Morbol

Final Fantasy 16 doesn't have a traditional difficulty setting. The game initially presents Action or Story Mode, which do affect the difficulty, but the game can be further edited to make it easier if needed. The Story Mode simply equips several special accessories to make the game as easy to play as possible.

Special accessories can be equipped that slow down the game when dodging or attacking, allowing you to stop the face-paced combat from deciding what to do next. These items can be equipped or unequipped at any point while not in combat, letting players change the difficulty of the game as often as they'd like.

7 Read Up

The Active Time Lore Showing Characters And A Location

Valisthea is full of many realms, people, places, and Eikons, and players are thrown right into the story at the start of the game. With so much going on and being talked about, it's important to stop and read the Active Time Lore from time to time to make sure you understand what's happening.

An incredibly useful addition, the Active Time Lore can be read at any time by holding down the touchpad. This will give brief segments explaining people on screen or what they are currently talking about, allowing you to look up relevant topics at any moment, even during cutscenes, ensuring you're always up to date.

6 Clive & His Unique Fighting Style

Clive Using An Eikon Ability On An Enemy

Another change from the usual Final Fantasy formula is the ability only to control a single character. While you may have a few moments where you take control of someone else or an Eikon, for the majority of the game, you'll be playing as Clive alone.

Clive's fighting style offers some of the fastest-paced combat in the series and may take some getting used to, even for returning fans. While the focus on Clive alone may seem like a hindrance, it will actually help players' master the game's deep combat style, which continues to grow and evolve with each additional level.

5 Check Your Gear & Accessories

The Gear And Eikon Menu

While Clive's general combat style is set, there are a few different ways players can make him more effective. Your sword and armor will decide your damage output and survivability, respectively, but your accessories are much more versatile in deciding how you want to play Clive.

Accessories range from strength in your desired stat to giving massive damage boosts to specific Eikon abilities. For those wanting to make Clive as deadly as possible, be sure to prioritize the abilities you're able to increase the damage of with your accessories.

4 Respec To Your Hearts Content

Respecing All Equipped Skills To Obtain AP

Clive has access to many abilities in the skill tree, and the list only gets longer as you unlock more Eikons to switch between. While AP is used to unlock or upgrade skills, they can easily be refunded, allowing you to try different abilities and combos as often as you'd like.

Related: Final Fantasy 16: Every Region, Ranked

You can also lock specific skills that you like and refund the rest while trying out different builds. For those not wanting to read and sort through dozens of skills, the game offers a recommended upgrade button that utilizes all of your AP to make Clive as efficient as possible with the skills the system thinks are best.

3 Bring The Right Items

Multiple Items Equipped In The Items Menu

While in combat, you can only equip three different items in your hotbar. While you may have many more items in your inventory, these are not accessible during combat when they are needed most. Before proceeding into dangerous areas or impending boss fights, be sure to equip whichever items you think you'll need beforehand.

You'll come across many items scattered around the world, and you can only carry so many. Should you try to pick up an item you have too many of, you'll simply use an excess item to heal yourself up before collecting the new item. Be mindful of this when approaching items on the ground, as you may want to come back after a later fight to get the full use out of an extra potion.

2 Learn Your Eikons

Phoenix Burning While Flying

At the beginning of your journey, Clive will only start out with the power of the Phoenix. As the story continues, you'll unlock more Eikons that can be quickly cycled through in combat, giving you instant access to their abilities.

Each Eikon's abilities have a different style that is best used in different situations. Upon unlocking an Eikon, take the time to see what situations the Eikon excels in and what abilities you'll want to work into your current build.

1 Fight Stylishly

Clive Fighting Enemy Soliders With Torgal

Final Fantasy 16 continues the trend of real-time combat, but this time focuses on a player's style while doing so. Depending on your combos and total damage output, you'll be rewarded with a different score at the end of important battles. The higher your score, the better your reward.

Clive's combat style is very in-depth, with players quickly unlocking a large list of abilities. Test out different abilities and combos to find ways to earn the best score to maximize your rewards and Clive's overall strength throughout his journey.

Next: Final Fantasy 16: Ending Explained