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So you’re having trouble finding Dozmare the Griffin, fear not, this guide will show you exactly where to head to find this foe and how to take them down. This griffin is one of Final Fantasy 16’s several Notorious Marks you'll be able to hunt down for rewards.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: All Consumable Items, Ranked

You will be gaining Renown for taking down these marks and making some Gil while doing so. Before you can start hunting Notorious Marks, you’ll need to unlock the Hunt Board.

Updated by Chad Thesen on July 6, 2023: This guide has been updated to bring it up to standards with other similar guides. Due to the nature of this quest being a little different with how it is so intrinsically linked to another quest and not just some hunt, some additional information will be present, such as explaining what a notorious mark is for players who will experience this as one of their first hunts and still be a little unsure of it. It will also cover moving up to harder-ranked hunts. The battle strategy will be redone to make it easier to follow and watch for cues.

What Are Notorious Marks?

FF16 Hunt Board

Notorious Marks are named beasts and monsters you will need to track down and defeat. They will come in a variety of forms, each needing a different strategy to take down. Before you can start picking up these marks, you will need to have progressed through the Main Story and completed the quest known as Release.

Finding Dozmare

Final Fantasy 16 Griffin wall

Hunting Dozmare is part of Blacksmith Blues Side Quest, and you will need to have accepted it before you will be able to hunt them. A map image for both this quest and the exact location of Dozmare will be provided below.

After you accept Blacksmith Blues, just follow the marks and speak to the required NPCs, and Dozmare will become listed on the Hunt Board. Dozmare can be located in Norvent Valley. To get there, open your map and fast-travel to Lostwing. Open your map of the area and look south of your location. You will see “Norvent Valley” written on the map. Keep heading south along this trail and go around the bend. Follow the right side of the map until you will see a very thin line. This thin line is a bridge, and you will need to go over it to get to the southernmost part of the map. This is a long trek, so you better have a Chocobo. Head over to this bridge and cross it; once you do, you will see the following. To your right, another bridge and some trees are straight ahead of you. Look between the two, and you will see a castle. Perching on this Castle Wall will be Dozmare. Approach them to trigger the fight.

Fighting Dozmare

Final Fantasy 16 Griffin fight

There are some tells that Dozmare has that can help you in your fight against Dozmare.

When Dozmare Leaps Into The Air

When Dozmare leaps up into the air, they will do one of two possible actions. You will know which by the presence of a light beneath them. When Dozmare has a yellow charging prompt under it, get as much distance as you can from them, as they will release an attack in all directions.

When there is no light, then Dozmare will dive bomb towards you; you can time this to move out of the way for a follow-up attack.

Nobel Dive

Dozmare's Nobel Dive ability will be when Dozmare glows and starts flying around. It will move back slightly before dive-bombing to create a shockwave over the ground. When this happens, you will need to do a precise dodge into this shockwave, allowing you to be right up against Dozmare to deal some significant damage.


Final Fantasy 16 Griffin Rewards

Dozmare will net you a nice amount of rewards for your first hunt, but you will see each of these rewards growing dramatically as you do higher Ranked hunts. You will get 650 Experience Points and 55 Ability Points for defeating Dozmare. The drops you'll receive from them are one meteorite and one Scarletite. Your hunt rewards for this Notorious Mark will be 8,500 Gil and 20 Renown.

Moving On Up In The Ranks

final fantasy 16 hunt board moogle

Dozmare is only B Rank, and there will be plenty of others such as the Ten of Clubs and Belphegor. Once you have a firm grasp of hunts and your preferred playstyle, try moving on up the ranks to take on an A Rank like the Flan Prince. Above A Rank exists some marks there are in leagues of their own and will be a true test of your skills; these are the S Rank marks, with the highest among their levels being Svarog, Ruin Reawakened.

NEXT: Final Fantasy 16: Best Accessories, Ranked