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Spoiler Warning: Major spoilers for some characters within the game.Final Fantasy 16 introduces players to a new cast of characters. While there are some that represent repeating characters, such as Cid, most are brand new. With the number of characters, it can be difficult to figure out which character is which.

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If you're wondering which of the many different characters are the best, this list will tell you the best ones in the game. Considering there are plenty of characters that are all made equally, this list is completely a preference.

10 Benedikta

Final Fantasy 16 Benedikta

Benedikta may seem like a strange character to start the list off. After all, she does try to kill Cid and Clive multiple times before her eventual downfall. She also is a Dominant that sees herself as better than others due to her gift. Her Eikon is Garuda, the Warden of the Wind, and she uses her frequently.

However, her redeeming quality is that she wasn't always like this, evident by the short scene players are shown right before she allows rage to take over and becomes Geruda. It seems she had a difficult path that ultimately led her to where she is during the game's events. The tragedy of her story makes her a well-fleshed-out character and earns her this spot on the list.

9 Goetz


Goetz is one of the many characters that you meet inside Cid's Hideout. At first, he comes across as a tough guy, especially when players realize that Cid brought him along to find Jill so he could carry her on his back to the hideout. However, once he actually starts speaking, players soon learn he is a nice guy.

He spends his time in the hideout trying to help out in any way that he can. He also worries about Charon, whom he calls Nan. His love for the hideout and everyone in it makes him an amazing character. There are multiple times throughout the game that he helps Clive without a second thought, making him one of the best.

8 Charon

Final Fantasy 16 Charon

Charon is another character you will meet once you head back to the hideout with Cid. She also comes across as a tough woman when you first meet her. She acts as though she couldn't care less about Clive. When he first approaches her, she acts rather cold toward him.

However, once you see the way that she interacts with Torgal, you will realize that she isn't as mean as she wants to pretend she is. You can also have conversations with her where she will open up to Clive a little bit about her life and how she ended up where she is. Overall, you learn that she truly cares for those around her and would do anything she could for them, earning her a spot on this list.

7 Gav

Final Fantasy 16 Gav

Gav is yet another one of Cid's men that hangs out in the hideout and is introduced to Clive early on in the game. However, Gav never comes across as cold or tough. When you first meet him, he is stuck in a jail with the people of Lostwing. He was sent there to protect them and does his best to do so.

After that, he works to help Clive find the second Eikon of Fire, almost losing his life in the process. His sheer willingness to help out anyone he can in whatever way he is able makes him a truly remarkable character in the game. He is one of the best that Clive can encounter.

6 Nektar

Final Fantasy 16 Nektar

Nektar is a character that is easily missed at the beginning of the game. He is Moogle that ended up in Cid's Hideout. When you first speak to him, he will tell you that he has been trying to talk to those in the hideout for a long time now, but Clive is the only one that can understand him.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: How Many Acts Are In The Game?After you progress through the story a bit, Nektar will be there to allow Clive to access the Bounty Hunt Board. This lets you track down notorious and difficult enemies throughout Valisthea. His usefulness and quirkiness coupled with his cuteness lands this Moogle in the middle of the list.

5 Joshua

Final Fantasy 16 Joshua

Joshua is an interesting character in Final Fantasy 16. During the events at Phoenix Gate, it is assumed that Joshua dies, killed by the second Eikon of Fire, Ifrit. This causes Clive to spend his life wanting to avenge Joshua's death.

However, Clive is haunted by a hooded man that players see looks a lot like a grown Joshua. Late in the game, you will learn that Joshua is alive and well, and he will team up with Clive to defeat several different Eikons before taking on the main boss of the game. Being Clive's baby brother and wanting to work with him coupled with his mysterious past makes him a solid character in the game.

4 Clive

Final Fantasy 16 Clive

Clive is the main protagonist of the game, and he is also one of the best characters in it. Just like other characters, he is pretty fleshed out. From a young age, he was treated poorly due to his role as a Shield rather than a Dominant (though mainly by his mother). He also lost his father and brother at Phoenix Gate.

Once Clive realizes he is the second Eikon of Fire, he is devastated. He believes that he killed Joshua, and it almost kills him to learn that. Once he is able to accept the truth, he works to save Valisthea, avenge Joshua, and free Bearers who are kept as slaves. His selflessness, devotion to others, and desire to make the world a better place makes him a great character in the game.

3 Cid

Final Fantasy 16 CID

Cid is one of the first characters players are introduced to. At first, his intentions are unclear. He shows up and saves Clive, but takes off with Jill. Clive has no choice but to follow him to his hideout. There, he learns that Cid is protecting Bearers and Dominants who want to be free from being slaves.

Soon, he takes on the role of Clive's mentor. He helps Clive adjust to life after learning that he is the second Eikon of Fire. He also works with Clive to save Valisthea. He is the Dominant of Ramuh, the Eikon of lightning. His desire to help Clive, save Valisthea, protect Bearers and Dominants, and his love for those around him makes him an amazing character. Even with his last breath, he encourages Clive to continue saving people.

2 Jill

Final Fantasy 16 Jill

Jill is another tragic character; however, she does not let the past define her and encourages Clive to do the same. She was taken in as a ward by Clive's family early in her childhood and grew up alongside the brothers. She was Clive's best friend from childhood and truly cared for him. She is the Dominant for the Eikon Shiva.

Once Clive and Jill reunite in the present day, you can tell that Jill would do anything to ensure that Clive is okay. Even when she thinks he is the one who killed Joshua, she doesn't blame him. She tries to show him the good in himself. Her love for Clive, ability to stay positive, and strong will to keep others safe make Jill one of the best characters in the game.

1 Torgal

Final Fantasy 16 Torgal

Finally, the best character is Torgal. Even as a puppy, this grey wolf was willing to do anything to protect Clive. He even snuck out of the castle and followed Clive and Joshua to Phoenix Gate on the night that everything changed. Unfortunately, he gets lost in the chaos and isn't reunited with Clive until much later in life.

When he is reunited with Clive, the first thing he does is save Clive's life. From then on, the two are inseparable again. What makes Torgal so great isn't just that he is an adorable dog that is completely devoted to his owner, but he also does some nice damage to enemies. He is the only party member that you can control, and he is the best party member you can have in the game. His devotion and loyalty coupled with his amazing damage make him the best character in the game.

NEXT: Final Fantasy 16: What Does New Game Plus Add?