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Not everything has to be dark and dreary in Diablo 4, no matter how many demons you may encounter as you adventure through the game. You can find some furry friends to help you along your way and keep you company in the blood-soaked battlegrounds you will be journeying through.

RELATED: Diablo 4: How To Get Banners

However, not every pet is simple to find, and the risk comes with adopting a furry companion for your adventure. Just be ready to put in some work, and then also be ready for some possible heartbreak.

How To Get Pets

Diablo 4 - Wolf Pet On Character's Back

The easiest pets that you can adopt in Diablo 4 are cats and dogs. These animals are found all around the game but mainly stay concentrated in the city hubs around the map. You can find them wandering the streets, and there is at least one dog and cat guaranteed in Kyovashad. All you need to do to take them as your pet is to approach them and use the "Hello!" emote near them, and they will fall in love with you, instantly becoming your most loyal companion. From here on out, they will follow you as you go on your adventures, staying by your side the whole time.

The problem is that this includes going with you into battles and dangerous areas, where they can open themselves up to being killed. And given that there is a large surplus of enemies out there, odds are that you will witness your pet being killed by one of the many enemies. You may get lucky, and they'll survive, but it is important to remember that this is possible. So prepare yourself for it. There is also the Wolf Pet cosmetic item that you can unlock if you played in the game's two betas and reached Level 20 with the character. If you did this, you can find the Wolf Pet in your inventory, where you just need to equip it, and you will see it catching a ride on your back.

Finally, these don't necessarily count as Pets, but if you are playing as a Druid, you can select different Spirit Animals, each with a different play-style. These are a Deer, Eagle, Snake, and Wolf, and you can select these after reaching Level 15 and completing the quest that takes you to Scosglen. Again, these aren't necessarily considered pets, but they still function pretty similarly, and they're animals, so they make the list here.

NEXT: Diablo 4: All Side Dungeon Locations In Dry Steppes