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Diablo 4's bosses tend to either be a breeze or a nightmare, depending on your build. Tchort, an Act 1 boss, is no different. She'll be difficult to deal with for nonmobile characters, as her abilities are varied and quick.

Related: Diablo 4: All Waypoint Locations In Fractured Peaks

If you're at the end of your rope and need some advice on this fight, read this guide. It will cover the layout of Tchort's arena, her abilities, general advice for fighting her, and tips for an extra edge.

Tchort, Herald Of Lilith

Tchort, Herald of Lilith from Diablo 4 next to the book she protects

Tchort is a boss found in the later half of Act 1. Her arena, called the Desecrated Archives, is a large circular room with a book at the center. The major threats in this fight are the many attacks of Tchort and the cyclone surrounding the book.

The Book

The book is an environmental hazard in this fight. The cyclone surrounding the book at the center will slow you down and deal damage over time. While you may occasionally get pushed into this area or need to use it to dodge something else, you should try to avoid it as much as possible.

Related: Diablo 4: How To Beat Vhenard

Preparing To Fight Tchort

The entrance to Tchort's boss fight arena in Diablo 4

You won't get too much lead-up to the Fight with Tchort, as it occurs just after your encounter with Vhenard. However, it's always useful to make sure that your gear is repaired and your potions upgraded. You can create a portal back to town to do this just before triggering the boss fight (the last room where you can leave is the one with the blue portal on the left side).

Your gear gets damaged each time you die, causing the statistics to become lower. This means that you'll want to repair it if you fail the fight against Tchort and need to try again.

You could also bring an elixir into this fight with you, such as an Elixir of Acrobatics. This will reduce the cooldown on your evade and allow you to dodge attacks more easily.

Related: Diablo 4: How To Beat Astaroth

Strategies For Fighting Tchort

Tchort has a number of attacks to keep the player on their toes, as well as a built-in environmental hazard in her arena. However, these should be fairly easy to avoid, as they do not hone onto the player.

Basic Attacks

Tchort has two basic attacks that are used when the player is semi-close to her. These are a swipe with claws and three balls of red lightning shot in a cone. She will swipe if you are in melee range and shoot if you move away. These attacks can be dodged by moving to the side.

Lightning Jump

If the player ever moves too far away from Tchort, she will close the distance by teleporting. Upon landing next to you, a lightning shockwave goes off. To dodge this, try not to stand still (especially if you are on the other side of the arena from her).


Occasionally, Tchort will pause her onslaught to summon fireballs across the area. A pentagram appears under her feet during the channel, making this attack very telegraphed. Once the channel is complete, balls of fire will appear on the floor and, after a short duration, explode. You can hide in the book Cyclone during this attack if you cannot get anywhere else safe.

Lightning Push

During the final phase of the fight, Tchort will begin to try pushing you around the arena with a wave of lightning. This will often shove you into the cyclone at the center and is probably the most difficult to avoid. Ideally, you'll want to avoid positioning yourself between Tchort and the cyclone so that she doesn't push you into it.

Next: Diablo 4: All Stronghold Locations In Fractured Peaks